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Insights into Swamiji’s Profound Wisdom

Science Of Productivity
Science Of Productivity

The mind and intellect together constitute your inner personality which is housed in your physical body. Productivity in any field of activity requires a sharp intellect and a calm mind. When the mind…

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Initiative vs Incentive
Initiative versus Incentive

The intellect plays a vital role in your business. It serves to fix an ideal beyond your self-centred interest and direct your actions towards achieving it. When you thus conduct your business objecti…

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The Leader 

A leader should be well versed in the field of his activity. Possess a thorough knowledge of the subject of his business and an overall intelligence of all departments of his organisation. Which would…

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Anatomy of Stress

To get to the source of stress the inner personality has to be examined. A human being is constituted of the body, mind and intellect. The physical body houses the mind and intellect. Hence a clear un…

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Work Ethics

Effective management requires personnel with ethical and moral values ingrained in them. These values are founded on selflessness. An unselfish approach would require a high and noble ideal to fo…

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Gain Objectivity

The process of developing objectivity falls under two heads:  Building the intellect is not the same as gaining intelligence. You gain intelligence by acquiring information, knowledge from extern…

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Art of Parenting
Art of Parenting

Parents have a difficult time relating to their children. They bitterly complain about ‘their independent and impertinent behaviour’. That they have gone out of control and stopped relating to them. A…

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The 3 C’s to Success: Concentration, Consistency, Cooperation

Productivity in business, success in any endeavour requires continual intellectual application to three disciplines viz. concentration, consistency and cooperation. They are the rudiments of achieveme…

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The Dilemma of Choice
The Dilemma of Choice

Human actions emanate from either the mind or the intellect or a combination of both. The body executes action. But the body cannot act on its own.  The actions of the body are driven by either:&…

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The Two Powerful Motivations in Life
The Two Powerful Motivations in Life

The Two Motivations  Desires manifest as two powerful motivations in life – acquisition and enjoyment. You want to acquire whatever you desire from the world. And after acquiring you long t…

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Time Management, a Key to Your Success
Time Management, a Key to Your Success

24 Hours for All  Whatever one does, wherever that be, one has only 24 hours in a day. While the quantum remains the same for one and all the quality of time changes through the day. Few are…

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Love Vs. Attachment

One blunder in intellectual judgement is the failure to distinguish love from attachment. People everywhere believe that they possess love. Few understand the meaning and magnitude of love. Love is be…

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